What we do.
The Ground Level 5” Gauge Main Line Association, usually just known as GL5, focuses on realistic railway operations at ground level, of British main line railways, that is, standard gauge railways which were eventually absorbed by B.R, B.R. itself, and its successors.
This means that we do not accept narrow gauge or foreign stock at rallies, but British stock from any period is most welcome. We also accept stock from the Metropolitan Railway and London Transport, providing they are an accurate representation of a prototype, and conform to all GL5 standards.
A difficulty sometimes encountered is a lack of knowledge of the names of the various parts of a wagon, click on the link for an explanation
The forum.
Only current GL5 members can post topics and take part in discussions. Anyone can view the forum.
If you would like to take part in the forum, please contact the web site administrator with your name and membership number. He will check your membership and then notify you by e-mail that your account has been created. Please use your real name as your username, that way we all know who we are talking to.
Current membership rates are £20 (UK), £25 (Europe), £30 (rest of world) per year.
Our Constitution.
1. The name of the Association shall be The Ground Level 5” Gauge Main Line Association (GL5MLA).
2. The aims of the Association are to promote and operate scale models in 5” gauge (1.0625” - 1 ft scale) of British standard gauge mainline railways of any era, and to provide mutual support between members.
3. The affairs of the Association shall be under the management of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer/Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor, Exhibition Co-ordinator, and at least one other full member. Additional members may be co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.
4. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at a designated meeting place, notification of which will be published in the magazine and will be notified to members at least two months in advance of it’s date.
5. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the committee by giving one month’s notice in writing to the secretary, or by 10 members of the Association submitting in writing such a request to the secretary, the request to be accompanied by individual signatures.
6. For the AGM or EGM, any 20 members who must be eligible to vote, including at least 2 committee members, will constitute a Quorum.
7. The subscription rates for members shall be fixed at the AGM or EGM.
A full member is a member who pays a full subscription and has full voting rights. The member may also serve on the committee.
Family membership is subject to one member of the family paying a full subscription and shall be restricted to the full member’s immediate family. Only the full fee-paying member may serve on the committee.
An honorary member shall be appointed by the committee and shall receive free membership. They cannot however serve on the committee.
8. A member will cease to be such if he resigns by means of a notification to the Association secretary. The member may also be deemed to have resigned if his subscription is not paid within one month of the renewal date.
9. Members shall do all in their power to assist in the running of the association. Any member acting in a way detrimental to the interests of the association may be liable to expulsion by a vote of the committee.
10. Members who have commercial trading interests in 5” gauge modelling may not be eligible to serve on the committee except by agreement of the members present at the AGM/EGM.
11. No member may acquire for personal gain or profit from any part of the association’s funds or from the association’s activities or assets.
12. No member shall use the association’s name for profit without first receiving permission in writing from the committee.
13. The above rules may only be amended at an AGM or at an EGM.
14. In the event of the closing of the association, any funds outstanding, after disposing of any assets and paying any debts, will be distributed to clubs, societies or tracks of a ground level, main line nature.